KUCHING: Effective this Sept 1, participants of the Sarawak-Malaysia My Second Home (S-MM2H) programme are allowed to work, be employed or involved in active investment and business during participation of the programme.
Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry, and Performing Arts (MTCP) Datuk Seri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said that this is one of the three new regulations for the S-MM2H programme, and it is subjected to the terms and conditions whereby applicants must be professionals or investors and also subjected to the approval from the Sarawak government.
He said previously applicants were not allowed to work in Sarawak, S-MM2H participants can now work in the state with the rules enhancement.
“During the State Cabinet meeting on Thursday (Aug 25), one of the papers that was raised was on the S-MM2H and three enhancements to our S-MM2H programme have been approved by the State Cabinet.
“This is with a view to ensure the S-MM2H programme continues to benefit Sarawak, hence further refinement was proposed to the enhanced requirement and regulations of the programme,” he said in a press conference on the new requirements and regulations of S-MM2H programme at his office, Baitulmakmur Building II here yesterday.
Abdul Karim added for another new requirement for participation in the S-MM2H programme, there must be mandatory opening of fixed deposit accounts with any local banks in Sarawak.
“The required amount remains at RM150,000 for individual applicants and RM300,000 for couples.
“Besides, proof of pension funds and offshore income funds are required as proof of financial capability to support themselves while staying in Sarawak,” he said.
Besides that, he said another new requirement is that all S-MM2H pass holders also require a minimum annual stay duration in Sarawak for 30 days a year whereby previously it was 15 days, as one of the conditions for consideration of extension or renewal of Visa.
“For new applicants, the stay duration will automatically be 30 days. While application approved previously is 15 days until the renewal of the pass,” he said.,
“The 30 days requirement for S-MM2H is in line with the MM2H of which is also set for 30 days,” he said.
Abdul Karim added the approved application for the S-MM2H from September 2020 to July this year, the largest being from the United States of America with 32 applicants, followed by the United Kingdom (30), Singapore (26), Japan (16), Hong Kong (15), and China (13).
“While eight applicants from France, six applicants each from Taiwan, South Korea, Australia, Canada, Netherland, Indonesia (five), South Africa (four), three applicants each from Italy, Austria, and Denmark, two applicants each Germany, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, one applicant each from Greece, Sweden, Belgium, Iran, Algeria, and Myanmar,” he said.
He added with the opening of the borders, more applicants for the S-MM2H is expected to increase.
Meanwhile, the S-MM2H programme is under the MTCP to attract and allow foreigners who fulfill certain criteria to stay in Sarawak with a multiple-entry visa.
In January 2007, Sarawak started to adopt Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme, and for the initial 14 years (2007-2020), the state received a total number of 1,306 participants for the programme.
During the State Cabinet meeting on Thursday (Aug 25), one of the papers that was raised was on the S-MM2H and three enhancements to our S-MM2H programme have been approved by the State Cabinet.Datuk Seri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah
Source : New Sarawak Tribune